
June 2021
Actress turned director Regina King’s One Night in Miami is a ‘what if’ fictional story about the night of Feb. 25, 1964 when 22-year-old Cassius Clay whups Sonny Liston for the Heavyweight championship of the world at the Convention Center in Miami. The film had its premiere at the Toronto film festival last September and has just...
The relationship between television and the movies has always been fraught. Nowadays, it is more than possible to see a movie at home on the day of its initial release.  This has become necessary, not just because of Covid, but also because of our “convenience culture.”  This is an ethos that takes the old saw,...
A hissing, persistent wind coaxes a tumbleweed down the clapboard-sided streets of a Texas town.  In the distance, a loud bang cuts the silence.  Is it a gunfight, a classic showdown in the El Paso or San Antonio of 1870?  No, it’s the backfire of a beat-up old truck struggling to make it home.  This...
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